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[Pudding] Raw Homemade Chocolates

Raw Homemade Chocolates
Happy Valentine's Day!
Ingredients: 1/2 cup (virgin) coconut oil 1/4 cup cocoa (good quality / raw) 1/4 cup honey
Method: Melt coconut oil, add honey and cocoa and mix really well. Pour into chocolate moulds and refrigerate until set. Take out and serve to your darling (or eat it yourself!)

Raw Homemade Chocolates

'Raw' Praline
Sretan dan Zaljubljenih!
Potrebno:1/2 solje (djevicanskog) kokosovog ulja1/4 solje kakaa (dorog kvaliteta / raw)1/4 solje meda
Nacin:Istopite kokosovo ulje, dodajte med i kakao i izmijesajte dobro. Uspite u kalupe za praline i rashladite u frizideru dok se ne stegnu. Izvadite i servirajte vasoj dragoj/ dragom (ili sami pojedite!)

Raw Homemade Chocolates

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