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Nutella Iceblock

I consider myself a typical introvert; sometimes (or better to say, often) I'm too lazy for talking/writing, so I just give you a recipe. Not today!
Living in a country that you weren't born in is not easy (and sometimes, living in your birth country is even more difficult!). You feel you don't belong there (yet), and you don't belong to your background fully either. People also don't know where to place you and keep you aside; fortunately there are always exemptions - some of them spread their arms wide open for you. And sometimes, that's the only thing we need, especially during hard times (war, far new country, child diagnosed with autism...) Without those people, I wouldn't be person I am today (and I'm not talking about my family)!
Australians are very tolerant to newbies and their cultures; we all came from somewhere, and in some period of our lives were in similar situation. On the streets of Australia, you can hear so many languages and accents. I especially like their quick 'approval' to all different food that is brought into this beautiful country; We enjoy Turkish, Greek, Italian, Mexican, Lebanese, Indian, Asian, African, Balkan and many other tastes here. LOVE Australia and Australians!
In that name (and in name of Australian summer), here is one simple recipe.

Ingredients: (makes 4)
1 cup full cream milk (3,5% fat) 1/3 cup Nutella Method: Place milk and Nutella into a bowl. Use stab mixer to blend ingredients well. Pour into moulds and freeze. Divine!
Nutella Iceblock
Ja sam tipicni introvert; ponekad (ili bolje receno, cesto) sam lijena da pricam / pisem, te samo prilozim neki recept. Ne danas!
Zivjeti u 'tudjoj' zemlji nije lako (a ponekad to nije lako niti u rodjenoj zemlji)!
Osjecate da ne pripadate tamo (jos), ali isto tako da ne pripadate tamo odakle ste (davno) dosli.
Niti ljudi ne znaju gdje da vas smjeste, pa vas drze 'po strani'. Na svu srecu, uvijek ima izuzetaka - neki od njih rasire svoje ruke prema vama onoliko koliko je to moguce. Ponekad nam je upravo to potrebno, posebno za vrijeme teskih vremena i kriza u zivotu (rat, daleka nova zemlja, dijete dijagnosticirano sa autizmom...) Bez takvih ljudi, ja danas ne bih bila osoba kakva danas jesam (i ne govorim o clanovima moje porodice)!
Australijanci su izuzetno tolerantni prema novo-pridoslima i njihovoj kulturi: svi smo mi prispjeli odnekud (u nekom periodu zivota) i bili u slicnoj situaciji. Na ulicama Australije mozete cuti jako mnogo razlicitih jezika i akcenata. Posebno mi se svidja njihovo brzo prihvatanje razlicite vrste hrane koja je donesena u ovu lijepu zemlju; Uzivamo u Turskoj, Grckoj, Italijanskoj, Meksickoj, Libanskoj, Indijskoj, Azijskoj, Africkoj, Balkanskoj i mnogoj drugoj hrani. Volim Australiju i njene zitelje!
U to ime (i u ime Australijskog ljeta), evo jednog jednostavnog recepta.

Sladoled (na stapicu) od Nutelle

Potrebno: (za 4)
1 solja (250ml) punomasnog mlijeka (ovdje je to 3,5 % masnoce)
1/3 solje Nutelle
Stavite mlijeko i Nutellu u posudu, izmiksajte (najbolje sa stapnim) mikserom. Ulijte u kalupe i smrznite. Bozanstveni!
Nutella Iceblock

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