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[Yeast] Chinese Stir Fry with Noodles

Chinese Stir Fry with Noodles
I love Asian recipes! They're always quick to prepare, tasty and full of goodness. Convenience of using whatever you have in your fridge is just a bonus.
Ingredients: 2-3 tbs oil (peanut, rice bran...not any virgin) 200-250 gr meat (pork, beef, chicken - optional) thinly sliced 1 packet (450g) fresh Asian noodles (prepare according to packet instructions) 3-4 cups sliced vegetables (onion, capsicum, broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, zucchini, young corn, green beans...) 2-3 garlic cloves, crushed 2 cm ginger, grated 1/4 cup oyster sauce 1-2 tbs soy sauce 1 tsp sesame oil chilli flakes (or sauce), to taste coriander leaves and/or shallots for sprinkling (sesame seeds)Method: Heat oil (in a wok or deep pan with heavy bottom) until oil starts smoking. Add meat pieces and fry, stirring and shaking pan, until meat change colour. Take out; add more oil and repeat process with vegetables adding ginger and garlic; should take a minute or 2. Return meat, add noodles and sauces. Mix everything well and sprinkle with chosen ingredients. Done!

Chinese Stir Fry with Noodles

Brzi Azijski obrok sa nudlama (Kineski 'Stir Fry')

Volim obroke ovakve vrste! Uvijek su brzi za pripremu, ukusni i nutritivni. Apsolutni plus je to sto mozete koristiti sta god imate u frizideru.
Potrebno:2-3 K ulja (kikiriki, od rizinih mekinja; ne maslinovo ili drugo hladno presano)200-250 gr mesa (svinjetina, junetina, piletina), tanko rezani komadi1 paket Azijskih nudla (450 gr; svjeza tjestenina sa jajima); namoce se u prokljucaloj vodi3-4 solje rezanog povrca (luk, paprika, brokule, tikvice, mrkva, mahune...)2-3 cena bijelok luka, sitno sjeckan / protisnut2 cm djumbira, ribanog1/4 solje sosa od skoljki (oyster sauce)1-2 K soja sosa1 k ulja sezamasusene ljuspice ljute paprike, prema ukusulisce korijandera i/ili mladi luk za posuti (sezamovo sjeme)
Nacin:Zagrijte ulje u 'wok' ili dublju tavu sa teskim dnom dok ne pocne dimiti. Ubacite komade mesa i mijesajuci i tresuci przite dok ne promijeni boju. Prebacite meso u drugu posudu, pa postupak ponovite sa povrcem, dodavajuci bijeli luk i djumbir. Treba da je gotovo za minutu ili dvije -da ostane hrskavo. Vratite meso i dodajte nudle, a zatim i sve zacine / soseve. Dobro promijesajte i pospite izabranim zacinskim biljem. Gotovo!
Chinese Stir Fry with Noodles

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