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[gen X] Why do you all hate on Gen Y? - You know what I am well and truly over – reading about how much Gen Y sucks. I am Gen Y and I do not conform to your stereotypes (yeah I’m looking at you Gen X-ers like Charlie Pickering who are always having a go!)

I’m sick of people like Josh Thomas always representing us – and making us out like we idiots. I’m sure that TV producers could find a smart, well-read, intellectually stimulated, hardworking and caring Gen Y-er … but you’re just happy putting us in that little stereotypical box.

I’m not ‘ALL ABOUT ME’ … I disagree when people claim that everyone born between 1980 and 1989 are self-centered, irresponsible and have a lack of understanding for how the work world functions.

I would not say that I am that I am part of a ‘TROPHY GENERATION’ – I’ve worked just as hard as any Gen X-er or Baby Boomer to get the HSC mark required to get into university, pay my own way through university, graduate and work hard to gain my current position.

Yes – I have a facebook page and I use Twitter. I am across social media … but then Mum (Baby Boomer) has a facebook page and my boss (Gen X) has more Twitter followers than me... on that note, follow me at @GoodFoodWeek!! NOW, I need more followers, lol.

There are going to be negative traits in every generation … so why don’t you just settle down and stop making out that all the world’s problems could be solved if Gen Y weren’t so self-centered and trying to push their way up the corporate ladder.

But on that note, what’s so wrong with wanting to achieve something? If my mother broke through the ‘glass ceiling’ and my older cousin demonstrated that you can be a women at the top – then why shouldn’t I strive to make it happen?

I’m not saying that I want the CEO or Secretary’s (if you work in the public service) job NOW… I’m just saying why can’t I aim for the stars and work my way to the top?

Maybe all his Gen Y hate will dissipate as Gen i come through and you have a new generation to claim is the worst generation ever in 2013...

But just note, it is situations like this where your stereotyping really gets my goat:

I couldn’t believe it the other day when a person approached me at work and said...
You look young, can you tell me all about facebook’ …
I almost replied with ‘I also look pregnant, would you like me to tell you all about reproduction?’

other source :,,

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