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[2014] When Consuming Excessive Water hazards

When Consuming Excessive Water hazards - Experts adviseustoconsumeat leasttwolitersof waterperday. This isbecause water isbelieved tocleanse toxinsin thecollapse. Doyoualreadymeetthisstandard? If not, you'll want toprovidea bottleof waterat your desk.

Butdo not betooexcessive. Because theconsumption oftoo much waterit can alsodamage the kidneys. Waterwithmorevolumecandestroythe balance offluids.

Outsidetheresodiumkidneycellsthathelpsmaintain fluid balance. When theexcesswater consumed, thesodium levelswould not be provided, thenthe waterbegan toseepinto thecell.Thus, cellscan easilystretch toa certain extent, orevenrupture.

In addition tokidney problems, excessivewaterintakecan also increasebloodvolume. Force thekidneystowork harder, in order toreduce thewater content. ReportedpagesfollowingBoldskyother problemscauseddue to excesswaterconsumption.

swelling ofthe brain

Basicallyall parts ofthe human body containswater. In the brain, for example, there are about70percentmore parts'watery'. Whenwatergets into the brainbeyond its capacity, canaffect thelining of the brainswelling.


Whenthe braincontainexcessiveamounts of water, a personcan be at riskof seizuresandfainting. This is becausethe occurrence ofpembengkakakncellsin the body.


Thisoccursbecause thebrain cellsarenotable toaccommodate theexcess water. Certainlyit can causeinternalbleeding. Ifnotaddressed promptly canlead tocomaand evendeath.

Related to this, it seems tobe thefocus ofattention. Especiallyforsports fanswhooftenconsumewater instead ofbodyfluids. So there are nooverhidrasiorexcesswater, you should notdrinkwaterin large quantitiesat once. Should begradual.

source: vivalife

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