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[Tamil Nadu] Coconut Athirasam | Ariselu ~ Janmashtami Recipes

Happy Krishna Jayanthi to all my readers!

I know I am a day late in wishing. I thought I might as well do it and share what we made for the pooja. I only made the Poha Kheer, the murukkus and Athirasams are from Amma. The murukkus proportion is a new one and so I thought I should share it with you and so is the Athirasam.

I was hoping I would be able to share more Janmashtami Recipes ahead of the festival, however I was not able to do it as planned. Our regular Krishna Jayanthi Recipes include Murukkus, and Athirasams. Today's Ariselu version is another one that was from our neighbor, whom I used to address as Ammamma as her grandchildren. Amma and I always remember her when we think of Athirasams. Her grand kids used to be fond of this traditional sweet and she always used to stock this dough in the freezer and make whenever they use to want it.

We somehow never got around making it, though I have shared another one. So this time Amma was particular she makes it. I missed clicking step by step, she said we could make it again soon. However I was impatient in sharing in right away. These jaggary sweets are Konda's favorite and she simply loved it so much.

Hope you will make these and enjoy as much as well did.
Coconut Athirasam | Ariselu ~ Janmashtami Recipes
Coconut Athirasam

Ingredient Needed:

Rice Flour - 2 cups
Jaggary - 1 cup
Coconut - 1/2 cup
Oil for deep frying

How to make the athirasam

Use homemade rice flour

Melt the jaggary in enough water, remove scrum if any, then bring to boil.

When the jaggary thickens, gets to teh stage before the first thread, add the fresh grated coconut. combine everything well.

Then slowly add the rice flour, make into a dough.

When the dough is manageable or just hot enough to handle, make small balls, pat down as 3 diameter discs.

Heat oil in a kadai and when it is hot, reduce the flame and gently drop in the athirasams.

Fry on both sides and drain on a kitchen towel.


This dough can be frozen and stays good for many months. Just before using, just thaw for a while and make as regular athirasams.

Also unlike the traditional athirasams, we need not worry about the threads for the jaggary. When the jaggary starts to boil, you can add the coconut and flour.

The other two versions are little more lengthy, while this is so simple to make, yet still so very delicious.

Uppu Seedai, Vella Seedai are some of the other traditions dishes that are made in Tamil Nadu, while Murukkus, Athirasams are made in Andhra

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