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[Hyun Bin] Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done

Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done
Hello all! If you are reading this it means you have completed the journey of watching this epic fail of a drama. Or at least have succeeded in reading the recaps. First off, thanks for keeping with us as we recapped. I hope that we made this drama a bit more entertaining for you. I am just so excited that we done! Dongsaeng and I enjoy doing the final recap of our dramas together so you are lucky and get two recappers for the price of one. So without further ado, let's put this sucker to bed, once and for all.
Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done
We have finally reached the end of this monotonous and trying journey that is "Hyde, Jekyll, and I". Who knew that one drama could be such a disappointment as this one was to the majority of its viewers. Sadly I kind of miss the days when we first started. You remember back when we were rolling our eyes at the cheesy CGI, but still happily optimistic. What a difference 17 more episodes can make.

I should have learned my lesson by now. Never take on a drama solely for the sake of your bias starring in it. At least don't take on recapping a drama solely based on a bias starring in it, even if it's Hyun Bin and it's been 4 very long, long years. 4 years. Oh Binnie, sweet, sweet, sweet Binnie, please don't let this happen to you again. We'll pretend this one didn't even happen. Just promise to come back to us soon. We'll be waiting. We're really good at waiting by now. All we ask is for you to return in a vehicle worthy of you. And this was not that vehicle.

A Wedding Night
Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done
Wedding bells rang, and ding dong, the idiots are married. Til psychological healing they do part. As we used to say back in the olden days, "gag me with a spoon". Ick, ick, ick, ick, ickity ick. Dear Ha Na, you chose poorly and you are a big dummy doo-doo head. The end. I hated this pairing and marrying the two of them off did not fix that for me. I kept trying to pretend she was actually with Seo Jin, but curse it all, Hyun Bin is too convincing at pulling off the two different characters. Even if Robin and Seo Jin looked the same, I still couldn't fool my brain into thinking one was the other, no matter how desperate I was to do so. Seeing them all snuggled up together made me angry. By the time they went "under the covers", I was just plain apathetic to it all. It's a stupid relationship between two stupid people. Or person and psychological illness symptom. I'll let you decide which gets to be which.
Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done
I wonder what they're doing under there? Do you think innocent Robin even knows what to do under there? They're probably making shadow puppets, that's my guess.
Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So DoneP.S. Why was the detective guy at the wedding???? No, really. Huh?? What the what? I did appreciate that even the script questioned it. What does that say about your story when you have to write in commentary about how stupid your story is? I have a brilliant idea. Instead of having your characters awkwardly question his being there, maybe write it so that he's not there. IDK. Just a crazy idea from a crazy ahjumma. But what do I know?

Never have I been less interested in seeing a Hyun Bin character get lucky than in the case of HaNa and Robin's wedding night. Also if Seo Jin has Robin's memories now, that is just all kinds of awkward.

Goodbye Robin
Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done
I call this one "the kiss of death"
Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done
Even as they enjoy their wedded bliss together, Robin continues to fade out. This is evidenced by him suddenly not being able to draw as he is mid-portrait of his lovely idiot bride. Taking this as the final straw, he decides it's time for him to adios on out of there. Everyone is brought in to bid farewell to Robin. It's like this weird and terribly awkward funeral. Tears and whatnot are shed...I'm wanting to fast forward.... Dr Kangvorkian is called upon to do the deed, and poof, just like that, Robin finally goes bye-bye and Seo Jin is on his own once again for the first time in 15 years. Ha Na, as expected, slips into a deep, dark funk. *snore*
Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done
Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done
I still say that Dr Kang suddenly being able to get rid of Robin this easily is a cop-out. Definitely a case of fantasy therapy 101.
The Merge
Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done
I liked how they merged the two personalities together into one super Seo Jin. At least until Ha Na showed up and then it felt all contrived again.

Now that Robin is no more, here comes Super Jin! Robin hasn't simply disappeared. No, of course not. Instead, those traits that Robin possessed have been merged into Seo Jin's soul/being/personality and now he is really quite the catch. He can drive! He can draw! He can run a multi-billion won company! He can do it all! And he's patient as a saint. Of course Ha Na wants nothing to do with him, until she realizes he still is Robin after all. Just as he had promised her he was all those episodes ago (you know, when he came at her with the whole "he is me and I am him" thing?) (Idiot Ha Na) (Idiot Seo Jin for still wanting her after the crap she's put him through)

Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done

Ha Na and Seo Jin - Happily Ever After?
So Seo Jin finally wins the girl by proving to her that his put-back together self has enough Robin in it to earn her heart. He proves his "worthiness" in a few unconventional ways. First things first, he creates a new webtoon series. Then he finishes the portrait of his wife that Robin couldn't finish. Finally, he shows that Robins memories are now fully his, in addition to the skillz, by celebrating his birthday the way she had planned on celebrating it with Robin - an odd little lawn garden BBQ party for two (and some puppies and chickens) that for some reason really reminded this ahjumma of a dream sequence from the movie Happy Gilmore. But I digress.... (or do I? Is it possible to digress any further than we have already digressed with this story?) He pulls the whole "I'm just a man standing in front of a girl asking her to love me" bit when he declares that whether Seo Jin or Robin, he's still just a man, a man who has been healed, holds all of these memories of them together, and who loves her. She finally caves, they kiss, and boom. Together forever. Ahhh. My heart is numb to this madness though to care at this point. I sure do enjoy watching Hyun Bin make out though, despite his blah partner. There's something so, I don't know, "adult" about the way he kisses. Sends shivers down my spine. Almost worth the price of admission to get to this point. Almost. Not quite. So, moral of the story, skip the story and just watch the kiss scenes and enjoy being the voyeur as Binnie locks lips with some lucky, nameless bimbo.
Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done
Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done
Had to laugh at this screencap. Didn't seem that odd in the moment, but the paused screencap where he was kissing her eye amused me. It is as if he missed the mark (her lips) just like the writers missed the mark on creating a good drama.
Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done
As I watch the finale minutes of this drama I realize that Ha Na has literally had no character development throughout the whole drama. If anything she regressed from someone who was slightly spunky to a moping mess. Even in the end where Ha Na is supposedly blissfully happy with her Seo Jin/Robin hybrid, all I get is an empty vase of a character.

Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done

Last Thoughts
I am a bit saddened that there was so much possibility for a great drama when it started. Logically it should have worked, but poor writing and directing tanked all that possibility. One of my biggest issues was Ha Na's bias for Robin over Seo Jin. I kind of wonder if the writers saw how the drama "Kill Me Heal Me" was going at the story and decided to have the leading lady fall for one personality in order to be different. Although I did find out recently that the same writer wrote "Cheongdamdong Alice", another drama that produced really bad female characters. With this in mind, I think the writer is not one I am ever going to like. I will be avoiding in the future.
If I didn't know any better, I would say, after watching this drama, that a drama with a two body, 3-way love triangle can't work. But, I saw Kill Me, Heal Me and know better. I know that it actually is possible to pull it off. This one just couldn't pull it off. It was like a case of Second Lead Syndrome gone crazy. It was simply the wrong pairing from the get-go. To have her fall solely for Robin and never develop it past that point was stupid. Yes, I will argue that she had feelings for both, but since the story didn't expound very far or effectively into that idea beyond Seo Jin pointing it out repeatedly that she had feelings for both boys, and her utterly denying it (despite the evidence to the contrary), I'm not going to give it that. She solidly made her choice for one over the other and stuck stubbornly to that choice until her choice was no longer an option. Choosing the default while sobbing over the loss of your "one true love" is, funny enough, not satisfying to watch. Funny that.
Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done
I detest the theme song "Because of You" with all of my being. I wish I had that stupid song in record form. I would then take that record and smash it with a hammer. Then I would take those pieces and put them in the middle of the street and run over them again and again and again til they were dust that I could dispose of. If you hadn't guessed I HATE THAT STUPID SONG. I actually hate that song more than anything else in the drama. That song is now officially my #1 least liked song from the hundreds of kdramas I have watched. The only silver lining of this drama being so crappy is that I will never be tempted to watch it again and can therefore avoid hearing that song for the rest of my life.
Yes! We finally found a contender to beat out Boys Over Flowers in theme song disasters! Kmuse, if you could please make two copies of that stupid song in record form, I'd be grateful. I'd love to take care of it Arizona-style, i.e. take it out to the desert and use it for rifle target practice.
Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done
My final thought: What happened to poor Terry? Maybe he deserves his own spinoff since he got majorly screwed in this drama.
mmm....dangerous Hyun Bin character...spinoff...majorly screwing.... Uhhhh..... Bad ahjumma! Bad!
Hyde, Jekyll, and I Episode 20 - Hyde Jekyll and I Am So Done
And that's it! We are done. FREE, FREE, I tell you. Thanks again for putting up with us and I promise that we will be diligently picking our next kdrama recap with care.

Kmuse & Dongsaeng

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