Article: MIB Young Cream apologizes for Korean flag controversy
Source: TV Report via Naver
1. [+2,988, -16] Foolish... The red color on the Korean flag does not have the same meaning as the red on the Japanese imperial flag. Totally different meanings... Being so dumb should be a crime.
2. [+2,652, -25] No way you have any career left for you, poor Gangnam...
3. [+2,509, -24] Is he upset that only Gangnam's popular?
4. [+2,297, -53] The Korean flag is something that even the president can't edit or change. Nobody can. The Korean flag is above the president. If you don't like it, leave for another country and stop embarrassing us. I've never seen a flag I've been more proud of than the Korean flag. How dare you talk about such a flag like that. The flag is not some toy that you can talk about with that mouth of yours. Be proud of it, you pathetic being.
5. [+1,784, -16] What's wrong with him...
6. [+313, -6] While Gangnam's trying so hard to bring public awareness to himself and MIB, his own member's doing just the opposite..
7. [+278, -3] Poor Gangnam for having to put up with this
8. [+263, -7] Gangnam should leave this group and promote on his own. He seems better fit for variety shows anyway. His member's clearly hopeless.
Source: Nate
1. [+129, -3] Gangnam's working so hard for the group, just stay quiet. Even your fan told you that this would be controversial and asked you to take it down but you called her frustrating;;
2. [+114, -1] He doesn't even mean his apology. Look at this nugu so desperate for attention.
3. [+96, -2] Nugu bastard, you're not even worth my interest so just screw off
4. [+12, -1] Stupid bastard was talking about the law as if he knew any and now he comes out and apologizes? ã…‹ã…‹
5. [+10, -1] Why's he apologizing, I thought he was asking for this controversy
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