FOX NEWS: Islamic State militants were reportedly demolishing another ancient archaeological site in Iraq on Saturday, the latest in a series of efforts to rid what the terror group says are symbols that promote idolatry.
An official with the ministry of tourism and antiquities' archaeological division in Mosul told The Associated Press that multiple residents living near Hatra heard two large explosions Saturday morning, then reported seeing bulldozers begin demolishing the site. He spoke anonymously for fear of reprisal.
Saeed Mamuzini, a Kurdish official from Mosul, told the AP that the militants had begun carrying away artifacts from Hatra as early as Thursday and on Saturday, began to destroy the 2,000-year-old city. » | | Saturday, March 07, 2015
DIE WELT: Terrormiliz zerstört weitere Kulturstätte im Irak: Die Ruinen der jahrtausendealten Stadt al-Hadra nahe Mossul sind der Terrorgruppe Islamischer Staat zum Opfer gefallen. Es ist bereits die zweite Zerstörungsaktion dieser Art binnen weniger Wochen.» | dpa/tan | Samstag, 07. März 2015
LE POINT: Les vestiges archéologiques de Hatra, nouvelle cible de l'organisation État islamique : Après des statues et des sculptures du musée de Mossoul, le groupe terroriste État islamique (EI) entreprend de raser cette cité vieille de 2 000 ans.» | 6Medias | samedi 07 mars 2015
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» [Angela Merkel] ISIS Reportedly Demolishing Another Ancient Archaeological Site In Iraq
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