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[Movie Review] Music Review: Angels and Saints at Ephesus

Music Review: Angels and Saints at Ephesus>
After reviewing their last CD, Advent at Ephesus, I was eager to hear this latest CD by the Benedictine Sisters. And I certainly was not disappointed :)>>
There are 17 tracks, most honoring God, Jesus and Mary. There are a couple for Angels, and St. Joseph and St. Patrick each have a track :)>>>
The songs are sung in Latin or English. Either way, the sisters' crystal-like voices give the whole CD an angelic quality. You'll truly feel like you're in the presence of angels and saints.>
>I very much enjoyed listening to Angels and Saints at Ephesus. I recommend it for anyone who appreciates traditional Catholic hymns. Those who enjoy chant will also love this CD.>

source :,,

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