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6 Qualities Of a Wonderful Girlfriend

The most important qualities you should consider are the qualities that make the relationship grow and add value to the both6 Qualities Of a Wonderful Girlfriend

Different stroke for different folks, but these are the outstanding qualities that make a woman stand out in every man’s heart.

1. Humility: A good girlfriend is not boastful and does not blow her trumpet for her achievements to be recognised.

2. Respectful: She respects everybody that comes her way, no matter their age.

3. Trustworthy and loyal: A good girlfriend does not play games and she keeps her words. She is committed only to her man.

4. Encourages you: She is your best cheer leader. Even when you are wrong, she corrects you lovingly without being judgemental.

5. She is not materialistic: Money and other material possessions are not the most important factors for her. They make life easy and worthwhile though, but to her it is not a criteria and source of happiness.

6. Courteous to your family and friends: A good girlfriend is always ready to make the people you hold dearly comfortable.

source :,,

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