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Hostess Cupcake COOKIES!!!
Are you missing Hostess? Maybe not even the snack cakes themselves, but the *idea* of them waiting for you on the grocery store shelf? Me, too.

Add one more thing to the list that our children and grandchildren won't remember: pop tops, 8-track tapes, Hostess. (I realize you 20-year-olds have no idea what those first two on the list are. #imold)

Hostess Cupcake COOKIES!!!
I'm blogging about these cookies today over at the Parade magazine food blog, and I've been so, so excited to share them with you! They're a cookie, not a cupcake, but decked-out to look like a Hostess Cupcake.

The cookie recipe has a double shot of chocolate...and can be used for ANY cut-out cookie. My boys flipped over them!
Pop on over to Parade where I'm sharing the recipe, and my favorite Hostess memory.

Hostess Cupcake COOKIES!!!

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