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THIS DAY IN TWITCHY: FEBRUARY 2, 20115 - Texas Gov. Greg Abbott formally proclaims 'Chris Kyle Day'; Haters spew venom
Today is officially Chris Kyle Day in Texas. I will issue the formal Proclamation from the Governor's Office at noon. #trot@ChrisKyleFrog
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) February 2, 2015

.@GovAbbott has declared February 2 to be #ChrisKyleDay. RT to help honor this American hero!
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) February 2, 2015

Thk you @GregAbbott_TX, for naming today #ChrisKyleDay in Texas, a selfless American & great Texan. God bless our military! @ChrisKyleFrog
— Christi Craddick (@ChristiCraddick) February 2, 2015

@GregAbbott_TX@ChrisKyleFrog Thank you Governor. You are a rare example of a chief executive that includes patriotism.
— Paul Cruz (@paulbaja) February 2, 2015

Not THIS year: Staten Island groundhog kept safe distance from Bill de Blasio
Throwback Monday: Last year when Mayor De Blasio dropped the groundhog and it died.
— Bossy Britches (@BossyBritches72) February 2, 2015

Here's the glass they used to protect the groundhog from the mayor:
— Colin Campbell (@BKcolin) February 2, 2015

@MonicaCrowley Too funny that #Chuck2 was kept in a plexiglass box to keep @BilldeBlasio from killing him. #GroundhogDay
— Daniel JG (@HellBlazeRaiser) February 2, 2015

"What do you predict, Staten Island Chuck?" -looks nervously at de Blasio, whispers, "what does he want me to say?"-
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) February 2, 2015

Wait..@BilldeBlasio kills a groundhog, so they put the groundhog in a glass cage? What kind of logic is that?
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) February 2, 2015

'No shame': Democrats commemorate Groundhog Day the only way they know how
Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning. You know what that means.
— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) February 2, 2015

@TheDemocrats yes, 23 more months of Obama bullshit.
— Larry (@gordonfactor85) February 2, 2015

RT @TheDemocrats Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning. You know what that means.
— Rory Cooper (@rorycooper) February 2, 2015

'Me too': David Limbaugh, others agree with WH reporter who will 'probably cry' when Obama leaves office
@DRUDGE_REPORT It's amazing that libs don't see the problem with this hero worship from the people who are presumably keeping them informed.
— Steve (TX-26) (@orca11) February 2, 2015

"Objective" RT @elianayjohnson: RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: WH Reporter: 'I will probably cry' when Obama leaves office...
— BiasedGirl (@BiasedGirl) February 2, 2015

@BiasedGirl@elianayjohnson@DRUDGE_REPORT Not a cult.....
— JimNorden (@NordenJim) February 2, 2015

Vox strikes again! How much of a self-parody is Vox? This prescient spoiler reveals pitiful truth
.@voxdotcom called it.
— Blasphemous Hat (@Popehat) February 2, 2015

This is the reason why you follow @Popehat: Shot & Chaser https:/
— Anthony Abides (@AnthonyAbides) February 2, 2015

@PaulHsieh: Heh. Good call by @Popehat.
— superballbuster (@AuburnJulia) February 2, 2015

Midwest lives matter: Snowed-in Chicagoans ask CNN, Where's Don Lemon with our Blizzardmobile?
@DarciCanada Surprisingly @donlemon not returning my call about borrowing the #Blizzardmobile We may need to improvise.
— Sheila (@shewitsch) February 1, 2015

@CNN there's a real blizzard in Chicago. Where's our Blizzardmobile?
— danesgirl1 (@danesgirl1) February 1, 2015

Hey @donlemon: where's the Blizzardmobile?! #chiberia#whatarealblizzardlookslike
— Chicago (@DNAinfoCHI) February 2, 2015

PolitiFact now fact-checking tweets, poorly; Phil Kerpen's post accurate, but 'Mostly True'
Amazing fact: Senate has already voted on more amendments in 2015 than Reid allowed ALL YEAR last year.
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) January 23, 2015

LOLOLOL: "The simple answer on the number of votes is that Kerpen is correct." "MOSTLY true" Hacktastic, PolitiFraud!
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) February 3, 2015

Politifact is fact-checking tweets and is being as niggling and false as it is with long articles.
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) February 3, 2015

@jpodhoretz I like the idea that an assertion that is literally and mathematically true is "Mostly True" for @PolitiFact.
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) February 3, 2015

Why is the hacktastic @PolitiFact "fact checking" (read: "spinning") tweets? Because they realize the power we all now have. cc @kerpen
— Will Antonin (@Will_Antonin) February 3, 2015

'Incandescently stupid': The New Republic predicts death toll of Obamacare repeal
@tnr: Public health experts have estimated how many Americans will die if the Supreme Court repeals Obamacare” HA!
— (@instapundit) February 3, 2015

Not to mention incandescently stupid. RT @CounterMoonbat: Beyond shameless: https:/
— Heather (@hboulware) February 3, 2015

'Gut my wife like a deer': Walker describes threats from union shills
Scott Walker, on tele-town hall, tells Iowans about death threats: "gut my wife like a deer," and "be the 1st WI gov to be assassinated."
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) February 3, 2015

Walker says on Iowa call: Maybe God put me and my family through all this for a purpose ... to help us get our country on the right track.
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) February 3, 2015

On Iowa call, Walker mentions beheadings: "We need a leader who’s willing to stand up..& take on the scourge of radical Islamic terrorists."
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) February 3, 2015

On Iowa call, Des Moines man asks Scott Walker who Mitt Romney meant when he said it's time for a fresh leader. "Is that you?" #iacaucus
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) February 3, 2015

Scott Walker: "I thanked (Romney) specifically for pointing that out." Says his friend Marco Rubio is about same age & "in the same vein."
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) February 3, 2015

Scott Walker slams Jeb Bush, says if Rs are to defeat Hillary Clinton, can't take on "name from the past" with another name from the past.
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) February 3, 2015

On Iowa call, Scott Walker says he's all for helping people, but under Obama, govt assistance is less safety net and more of "a hammock."
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) February 3, 2015

Iowan on tele-town hall asks Scott Walker about immigration. He says: "I’d secure the borders. I don’t believe in amnesty." #iacaucus
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) February 3, 2015

'The science is clear': Grandmother Hillary Clinton breaks with 2008 Hillary Clinton on vaccines
MSM will go after Rand Paul and Christie on vaccines & conveniently omit that Obama & Hillary were raising faux autism link in 2008
— Rich Zeoli (@Richzeoli) February 3, 2015

The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Let's protect all our kids. #GrandmothersKnowBest
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 3, 2015

I'm glad you've abandoned your 2008 anti-vaxxer position. @HillaryClinton
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) February 3, 2015

Oh look, Hillary Clinton also flirted with the theory that vaccinations increase autism risk.
— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) February 2, 2015

The anti-vax group Hillary pandered to was called Advocates for Children's Health Affected by Mercury Poisoning.
— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) February 3, 2015

Hillary 2008: “committed to make investments to find the causes of autism, including possible environmental causes like vaccines.” #tcot
— Shockmaster (@MaxTwain) February 2, 2015

Just saying. Hillary Clinton in 2008 on the "possible environmental causes" of autism "like vaccines" - https:/
— Scott Gottlieb, MD (@ScottGottliebMD) February 3, 2015


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