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[Mar 2015] AOA- 사뿐 사뿐 ( Like a cat)

All the lyrics are made up of Korean, Korean order and English translation for Korean learners and quizzes are available, too. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages. ( If this is your first visit, please check the page ' K-Grammar basics') You can take quizzes at the bottom or visit Kpop Exam time.
AOA- 사뿐 사뿐 ( Like a cat) ( released in Nov, 2014)
Hey no matter where you go (그 어딜 봐도) The pretty girls are AOA You know (I know) You know (I know) I'm good I'm hot I'm fresh I'm fly Brave sound
Verse 1)
나 같은 ì• / 첨 봤대 (G14,18,32) me like a girl / first time saw he said (He said you've never seen a girl like me before.)
본 순간 / 느낌 왔대 (G14,18,32) saw moment / feelings came you said ( He said you had a feeling as soon as you saw me.)
수많은 사람 그 속에서도 (G14) numerous people the among even
ìœ ë³„ë‚˜ê²Œë„ / ë‚œ 빛이 났대(G18,32) Uniquely / I shined he said (He said that I uniquely shined even among the numerous people.)
ë‚ ë”°ë¼ 돌아가는 ê³ ê°œ (G6) me follow turning head (Your head that turns to look at me)
나로 꽉 차버린 두 눈에 (G14) me with fully filled two eyes ( Your both eyes that are filled with me.)
말을 걸까 말까 망설이는 모습 (G47,6) words hook or not? hesitating appearance
너무 귀여워 So cute ( Seeing you hesitate to start a conversation is so cute.)
단어) 나: me 같다: to be like ì• : a person ( casual) 첨: first time ( a short form of 처음) 보다: to see 순간: moment 느낌: feeling(s) 오다: to come 수많다: to be numerous 사람: people, person ê·¸ : the ~ 속에서: among~ ~ 도: even~ ìœ ë³„ë‚˜ê²Œë„: uniquely, especially ë‚œ: I (casual , a short form of 나는, 나: I , 는: topic marker) 빛이 나다: to shine ë‚ : me (casual, a short form of 나를, 나: I , 를: object marker) 따르다: to follow 돌아가다: to turn ê³ ê°œ: head ~(으)ë¡œ 꽉 차다: to be fully filled with ~ 두: two, both 눈:eye(s) 말을 걸다: to start a conversation ( 말: words, 걸다: to hook ) 말다; not to do 망설이다: to hesitate 모습 : appearance 너무: so, very 귀엽다: to be cute
햇살은 나를 비추는 Spotlight light light light (G6) sunlight me shining on Spotlight light light light ( The sunlight is a spotlight shining on me.)
나만이 그대 머릿속에 me only your head in ( Only me in your head)
Headline line line line
꿈을 꿔도 / ë‚´ê°€ 보이게 ë ê±°ì•¼ (G20,8-1) dream even / I become seen will ( Even when you dream, you’ll see me.)
ê³ ë¯¼ì€, Stop it Worries, stop it
다가 와. Closer come (Come closer.)
Baby come on
너에게 / 사뿐사뿐 걸어 가 (G44) you to / sappoon sappoon walk ( I walk over to you like a cat.)
장미꽃을 꺾어서 / 그대에게 / 안겨줄 거야 (G29-1,44,8-1) rose pick and/ you to / (I) give will ( I will pick a rose and give it to you.)
깜짝/ 놀래 줄 거야(G8-1) all of a sudden / (I) startle will ( I’ll startle you all of a sudden.)
사뿐 사뿐 걸어가 sappoon sappoon walk ( I walk like a cat.)
그대가 ìž ë“¤ì—ˆì„ ë•Œ/ ì‚´ë©°ì‹œ 안아줄 거야 (G18,12,8-1) you fell asleep when / softly (I) hug will ( When you’re asleep, I will softly hug you.)
깜짝/ 놀래 줄 거야 (G8-1) all of a sudden / (I) startle will ( I’ll startle you all of a sudden.)
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala I'm good I'm hot I'm fresh I'm fly Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala I'm good I'm hot I'm fresh I'm fly
단어) 햇살: sunlight 나를:me (casual) 비추다: to shine on 나: I ,me N만: only N 그대: you, your(poetic) 머릿속에: in the head ( 머리: head , 속에: inside, in ) 꿈을 꾸다: to dream ë‚´ê°€: I (casual) 보이게 되다: to become seen ê³ ë¯¼: worries, 다가오다: to come closer 너: you (casual) 사뿐사뿐 : a mimetic word describing the soft walking of a cat 걸어가다: to walk 장미꽃:rose 꺾다: to pick ( of a flower) 안겨주다: to give a large amount of something 깜짝 놀래주다: to startle all of a sudden ( 깜짝 is a mimetic word describing ‘all of a sudden’) ìž ë“¤ë‹¤: to fall asleep ì‚´ë©°ì‹œ: softly 안아주다: to hug
Verse 2)

사뿐 사뿐히 / 다가 갈래 (G66) Sappon sapponly / go closer wanna ( I wanna come closer to you like a cat.)
나 오늘 밤에 아무도 모르게 I tonight anyone unknowingly ( Without anyone knowing, tonight)
새근새근 ìž ì´ ë“ ê·¸ëŒ€ ìž…ìˆ ì— (G14) sound asleep you lips on ( On your lips when you’re sound asleep)
살며시 나 입 맞출래(G66) softly I kiss wanna ( I wanna softly kiss)
너와 나의 달콤한 이 밤 (G53,14) You and I sweet this night ( You and I, on this sweet night)
이 밤에 끝을 꽉 ìž¡ê³ (G3) this night end tightly hold and ( hold tight to the end of this night)
그대는 나만의 늑대 (G7) ( You (are) my only wolf )
나는 그대의 귀여운 ê³ ì–‘ì´ (G7,14) (I (am) your cute cat )
단어) 사뿐사뿐히 ( with adverb suffix , 히) ; a mimetic word describing the soft walking of a cat 다가 가다: to go closer 나: I (casual) 오늘 ë°¤: tonight ( 오늘: today, ë°¤: night) 아무도: nobody, anybody 모르게 unknowingly 새근새근: a mimetic word describing sound sleeping ìž ì´ 들다: to be asleep 그대: your, you (poetic) ìž…ìˆ : lips ì‚´ë©°ì‹œ: softly ìž… 맞추다: to kiss ( ìž…: lips 맞추다: to meet ) 이: this ë°¤: night 끝: the end 꽉 잡다: to hold tightly ( 꽉: tightly, 잡다: to hold) N만: only N 늑대: wolf 귀엽다: to be cute ê³ ì–‘ì´: cat
햇살은 나를 비추는 Spotlight light light light (G6) sunlight me shining on Spotlight light light light ( The sunlight is a spotlight shining on me.)
나만이 그대 머릿속에 me only your head in ( Only me in your head)
Headline line line line
꿈을 꿔도 / ë‚´ê°€ 보이게 ë ê±°ì•¼ (G20,8-1) dream even / I become seen will ( Even when you dream, you’ll see me.)
ê³ ë¯¼ì€, Stop it Worries, stop it
다가 와. Closer come (Come closer.)
Baby come on
너에게 / 사뿐사뿐 걸어 가 (G44) you to / sappoon sappoon walk ( I walk over to you like a cat.)
장미꽃을 꺾어서 / 그대에게 / 안겨줄 거야 (G29-1,44,8-1) rose pick and/ you to / (I) give will ( I will pick a rose and give it to you.)
깜짝/ 놀래 줄 거야 (G8-1) all of a sudden / (I) startle will ( I’ll startle you all of a sudden.)
사뿐 사뿐 걸어가 sappoon sappoon walk ( I walk like a cat.)
그대가 ìž ë“¤ì—ˆì„ ë•Œ/ ì‚´ë©°ì‹œ 안아줄 거야 (G18,12,8-1) you fell asleep when / softly (I) hug will ( When you’re asleep, I will softly hug you.)
깜짝/ 놀래 줄 거야 (G8-1) all of a sudden / (I) startle will ( I’ll startle you all of a sudden.)
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala I'm good I'm hot I'm fresh I'm fly Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala I'm good I'm hot I'm fresh I'm fly
단어) 햇살: sunlight 나를:me (casual) 비추다: to shine on 나: I ,me N만: only N 그대: you, your(poetic) 머릿속에: in the head ( 머리: head , 속에: inside, in ) 꿈을 꾸다: to dream ë‚´ê°€: I (casual) 보이게 되다: to become seen ê³ ë¯¼: worries, 다가오다: to come closer 너: you (casual) 사뿐사뿐 : a mimetic word describing the soft walking of a cat 걸어가다: to walk 장미꽃:rose 꺾다: to pick ( of a flower) 안겨주다: to give a large amount of something 깜짝 놀래주다: to startle all of a sudden ( 깜짝 is a mimetic word describing ‘all of a sudden’) ìž ë“¤ë‹¤: to fall asleep ì‚´ë©°ì‹œ: softly 안아주다: to hug
We fly high
오늘밤에 ë‚ ì•ˆê³ ë” 높이 ë‚ ì•„ê°€ 줘 (G3,28) tonight me hug and more highly fly please (Please hug me tonight and fly higher with me.)
구름이 달님에게 (G44) clouds moon to (clouds to the moon)
내 손이 닿을 수 있게(G1,71) my hand reach can ( So my hand can reach it )
사뿐히 ë‚ ì•„ì˜¨ 떨리는 ë‚´ 맘을 / 알아 줘 (G14,6) lightly flown trembling my heart / understand please ( Please understand my trembling heart that flied lightly to you.)
Oh talk to me Oh lead me Oh kiss me baby
오늘 밤 today night ( tonight)
단어) 오늘 ë°¤: tonight (오늘: today, ë°¤: night) ë‚ : me (casual) 안다: to hug 더: more 높이: highly ë‚ ì•„ê°€ë‹¤: to fly 구름: clouds 달님: moon ë‚´: my (casual) 손: hand 닿다: to reach 사뿐히: lightly 떨리다: to tremble 맘: heart 알아주다: to understand
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala I'm good I'm hot I'm fresh I'm fly Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala I'm good I'm hot I'm fresh I'm fly
Wahh Come baby kiss baby The pretty girls are here Oh baby come on Come on over boy
Quiz created by Eunha Seo with ExamTime

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