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[Blood kdrama] Meet Vivi: More Die Hard than Twilight - I'm one of those people who is offended by Coco's comparison to Twilight, but I can see what she's saying. It's not like any of us reeeeeeeeally believe that these kdramas are anything but complete and utter gooey fluff--the s'mores of romcom-dom, one might say. The thing is, aside from the one Twilight movie that Coco forced me to watch, I couldn't ever bring myself to read any of the books or watch any of the movies in the series. Too sappy! Poor writing! Encourages unhealthy, co-dependent, emotionally abusive relationships for young women!

So how did someone who would much rather see things blow up than read about vampires in love end up on this blog?


I can't help myself. In spite of my sneering, I have a sentimental side that turns into a puddle of goop at certain kinds of romcoms, and that's what got me secretly addicted to kdramas (with a little initial encouragement from Coco, of course). But the problem is that the more kdramas I watched, the more I found myself wanting to gush over the swoony bits and laugh at the over-the-top ridiculous bits. I couldn't very well admit to non-kdrama watchers in my real life that I secretly consumed 11 episodes of Prosecutor Princess over the weekend ("Ignore the title! It's actually good!" is how the imaginary conversation in my head ends), so I'm sharing my love (and hate) of all things kdrama here. I hope we become best secret-kdrama-watching friends forever.

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